Membership 2023
Senior membership for the 2025 season is now due. Please note the committee requests that all members set up an ongoing standing order to reduce the treasurer's administration. Anyone without a standing order at the start of the season will be ineligible for selection.
Could all members therefore set up a standing order with their bank for £12.50 per month (£6.50 for full time students). The club's bank details are:
Sort code: 60-12-11
Account number: 02757729
Please use your name as the reference. Even if you already have a standing order in place please check your name is the reference so the treasurer and cricket committee know who has paid.
For any new standing orders, could members also complete the form below.
Could all members therefore set up a standing order with their bank for £12.50 per month (£6.50 for full time students). The club's bank details are:
Sort code: 60-12-11
Account number: 02757729
Please use your name as the reference. Even if you already have a standing order in place please check your name is the reference so the treasurer and cricket committee know who has paid.
For any new standing orders, could members also complete the form below.